Something spring-like is stirring in the soul of the world. Something too powerful to ignore is awakening within many of us like spring buds. The lingering sun, the shifting shadows, the smell of soil; the emerging spirit within us is stretching and reaching for new adventures.
The calling of my ministry has long been to bring the power of the here and now into the church; to bridge the Sunday/ Monday gap and talk about real life issues in relevant language. Now I find my energies shifting subtly, to direct people to their own spiritual awakening wherever they are in the here and now.
This will be spiritual community unlike anything the world has seen before; connecting across ideological and geographic boundaries, forming profound partnerships and giving a legitimate voice to the millions of spiritual but not religious folk in the world.
Religion is still important for many, and I affirm religion that fosters healing in the world. That will continue and I’m glad for it. However many people now look outside of religion to have their spirits nurtured.
The message will be the same; one global community coming together around life affirming shared values, using religious language where it helps to affirm the wonder and beauty of human existence.
Many of you have traveled with me for 5 or 6 years now, from one hemisphere to another. We have laughed, cried and wrestled together with issues and possibilities. I am incredibly grateful for you and what you have added to my life with your comments and questions, stories and inspirations. Our online community has grown in number and spirit, as we have engaged the issues of the day. You have affirmed my teaching, encouraged my best, and accepted my unfolding journey.
Now we move into a new phase in our collective evolution. Its newness will bring incredible opportunities for even more authentic expression. Things are about to get very interesting! You will not want to miss a moment of the next season of this spiritual journey.
Will you answer the call to awaken and live with freedom and passion? Spring beckons, the horizon entices. This powerful vision is calling for your best humanity.